Online Bulletin

SEPTEMBER 22, 2024

Women's Fall Bible Study:
Experiencing God - Knowing and Doing the Will of God - Updated Version

This study starts this Wednesday and runs through November 6. Study guides are available for $20. For more information, call or text Amy Knoebel at  317-502-0737 (evening class) or Jenny Knoebel at 317-443-4276 (morning class), or chat with them at the kiosk.


Chapel Rockets Seniors Ministry Activities

Starting tomorrow, Fred Rodkey will lead a Bible study for men and women, Mondays September 23 through October 28, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in FH 15.  Care & Share is this Wednesday, September 25, at noon in Connection Corner. Please bring your own lunch and beverage.


Family Worship Service - Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the fifth Sunday of the month! We want to strategically use these fifth Sunday opportunities to create important experiences for all family members when worshiping together as one unified church family. On this special Sunday, please grab an activity bag for your small child or a service sheet for your student and come ready to worship together. Nursery Room, WC 107, will be available for use.


Need a Quiet Place to Pray?

When the building is open, the Next Step Room is available if you’d like a quiet place to pray. The only exception is Tuesday mornings during the school year for BSF.


September Items for Operation Christmas Child

Thanks to all who are donating to Operation Christmas Child! We are still in need of hundreds of items to fill shoeboxes—school supplies, bar soap, wallets, small purses, pretend jewelry, flashlights and batteries, and sunglasses. New items can be dropped in the bin in the Drop Zone. Contact for more information.

Food Pantry Requests

Chapel Rock’s Food Pantry operates on the first and third Thursdays, from 3 to 6 p.m. each month. Items needed are peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, canned foods, cereal, pasta and spaghetti sauce. Please place your donations in the Drop Zone bin in the Foyer.


Hearing Assist Available

If you wear hearing aids, have a smart phone, and need hearing assistance, please see an usher for an instruction card showing you how to use an app on your phone that will connect to your hearing aids. If you don’t have hearing aids or a smart phone, but need hearing assistance during worship, please visit the tech booth in the back of the Worship Center.


Homeless Ministry

The Homeless Ministry travels downtown to minister to the homeless once a month. Items needed are towels (bath, hand, washcloth), blankets, baby wipes, and hygiene items. All donations can be placed in the Drop Zone bin in the Foyer. Questions? Contact Mike Weddle at     317-675-0716.


Save the Date

Daylight Saving Time Ends, November 3

Celebration of Sharing Season begins, November 3

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays, November 4

Election Day, November 5

Chapel Rock Annual Meeting, November 10

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party, November 10

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Parade, November 17

Celebration of Sharing Special Offering, November 17

Thanksgiving, November 28